
분류 전체보기 487

Week 2 Lecture ML : multiple features

Multiple Features Note: [7:25 - \theta^TθT is a 1 by (n+1) matrix and not an (n+1) by 1 matrix] Linear regression with multiple variables is also known as "multivariate linear regression". We now introduce notation for equations where we can have any number of input variables. x(i)jx(i)mn=value of feature j in the ith training example=the input (features) of the ith training example=the number o..

Week 2 Lecture ML : Setting up Prog Env 'Octave'

Setting Up Your Programming Assignment Environment The Machine Learning course includes several programming assignments which you’ll need to finish to complete the course. The assignments require the Octave or MATLAB scientific computing languages. Octave is a free, open-source application available for many platforms. It has a text interface and an experimental graphical one. MATLAB is propriet..

Week 1 Lecture ML : Matrices and Vectors

ML:Linear Algebra Review Khan Academy has excellent Linear Algebra Tutorials (https://www.khanacademy.org/#linear-algebra) Matrices and Vectors Matrices are 2-dimensional arrays: ⎡⎣⎢⎢⎢adgjbehkcfil⎤⎦⎥⎥⎥ [a​b​cd​e​fg​h​ij​k​l​] The above matrix has four rows and three columns, so it is a 4 x 3 matrix. A vector is a matrix with one column and many rows: ⎡⎣⎢⎢wxyz⎤⎦⎥⎥ [wxyz​] So vectors are a subset ..

Week 1 Lecture ML : Linear Regression ~ parameter learning

ML:Linear Regression with One Variable Model Representation Recall that in regression problems, we are taking input variables and trying to fit the output onto a continuous expected result function. Linear regression with one variable is also known as "univariate linear regression." Univariate linear regression is used when you want to predict a single output value y from a single input value x...

Week 1 Lecture ML:Intro ~ Supervised learning

Week 1 Lecture Notes ML:Introduction Where is machine learning used? Introduction : where is machine learning used? - web search engine like Google or Bing -> learned how to rank web pages - Facebook or Apple's photo typing application -> recognizes your friends - spam filter in your email - web click data, also called clickstream data from Silicon Valley companies moreover - applications that c..

norminette -R .. errors

c3r7s2% norminette -R CheckForbiddenSourceHeader main04.c Norme: ./main04.c Error: 42 header not at top of the file Error: global scope bad aligned 이런식으로 함수 탭을 맞추기 Error (line 1): preprocessor block must be followed by one empty line #include 선언 뒤에는 한 줄 띄기 Error (line 4): Space before function name int main(void)할 때 int ' ' main 사이에 스페이스가 아니라 탭이어야 한다. Error (line 7): spaces at the end of line 어떻..

명령어 등등 2020.07.04

리눅스 /우분투 gcc 설치 오류 해결 sudo apt-get install gcc

컴퓨터에 깔려진 우분투에 gcc를 실행하려고 했지만 command 'gcc' not found 에러가 떴습니다. sudo apt install gcc 하려 해도 E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lockfrontend. It is held by process 17330 (unattended-upgr) N: Be aware that removing the lock file is not a solution and may break your system. E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), is another process using it? 에러가 떠서.. 해결하려 찾아보니 몇 파일..

명령어 등등 2020.07.03

리눅스 맨 마지막 개행 문자 지우기

https://qastack.kr/unix/83038/remove-last-character-from-line 줄에서 마지막 문자 제거 qastack.kr 두 가지 해결책이 있습니다. 절단: echo "somestring1" | rev | cut -c 2- | rev 여기에서 문자열을 뒤집고 두 번째 문자에서 문자열을 자르고 다시 뒤집습니다. sed : echo "somestring1" | sed 's/.$//' 여기서 정규식을 검색 .$하여 마지막 문자가 뒤에 오는 문자를 의미 //하고 두 슬래시 사이에 null로 바꿉니다.

명령어 등등 2020.07.02