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깃허브 블로그 - drafts폴더를 잘 사용해보자

mcdn 2021. 8. 24. 22:08



Using Jekyll Themes and hosting on Github.io · Gaoping Huang's Blog

Written by Gaoping on October 22, 2017 Tags: Jekyll Using Jekyll Themes and hosting on Github.io Although there are plenty of guides introducing Jekyll and Github pages, such as Jonathan’s great guide, I would like to record my own preferred way. There



에러만 없으면 이거 따라하면 잘 된다 


Now it is the right time to read the Jonathan’s great guide mentioned earlier. It explains the purpose of _layouts, _includes, and _posts directories. It also mentions why the files under _posts are named in this way. Besides, it covers how to add Google Analytics and DISQUS in our page.

Jekyll compiles everything into a directory called _site, which is usually added to .gitignore. Since some directories start with underscore (_), the source files (e.g., markdown and/or html) will not be copied to _site. Instead, only their compiled content will be stored in _site.

To be more specific, Jekyll basically compiles all the markdown files with Front Matter into html. A usage of Front Matter is to specify the layout used to compile the markdown content, such as layout: post that is defined in the _layouts folder.

A useful feature is writing with drafts. First create a folder _drafts and write any draft-post.md. Then run jekyll serve --drafts, which is able to view the drafts on the site without publishing. Once any draft is done, move it to _posts and rename it properly.




A Guide to Creating and Hosting a Personal Website on GitHub | Jonathan McGlone | Librarian, Front-End Developer, Digital Publis

This guide is meant to help Git and GitHub beginners get up and running with GitHub Pages and Jekyll in an afternoon. It assumes you know very little about version control, Git, and GitHub. It is helpful if you know the basics of HTML and CSS since we'll b


여길 읽으면 _layouts, _includes, and _posts 폴더들의 목적에 대해 어렴풋이 이해할 수 있다. 

how to add Google Analytics and DISQUS 를 더하는 방법에 대해서도 있다고 


제킬은 컴파일한 결과를 _site에 넣는다. (보통 .gitignore에 추가되는)

_언더스코어로 시작하는 폴더 안에 파일들은 _사이트 안에 복사되지는 않는다. 대신 그들의 컴파일 결과만 들어감 

좀 더 설명하면 제킬은 Front Matter를 이용해서 html로 컴파일하는데 이건 _layouts 폴더를 좀 자세히 들여다 보면 좋다 




조언하나 주자면 drafts 폴더를 잘 써봐라 

1. 먼저 _drafts 폴더를 만들고 아무거나 draft post.md를 만들어라 

2. 그리고 jekyll serve --drafts를 하면 drafts를 퍼블리싱 없이 볼 수 있음 

3. 그리고 draft가 끝나면 형식에 맞게 이름 바꾼후 _posts 폴더로 옮긴다. 


jekyll serve --drafts를 하면 

drafts폴더에 있는 내용이 보이고 

jekyll serve만 하면 

drafts 폴더에 있는 내용이 안 보인다. 

